Physical Pracice

Essential Latest
Short (< 5 min ) Medium (5-15min) Long (>15min)



SROMP Introduction
Follow Alongs
30-Day Coordination Challenge
Walking - The Base of the Physical Practice
Basic Workout 1
Basic Workout 2
Basic Workout 3


Open and Relax your Shoulder and get Coordinated - Arm Swing Routine 1
An individualized way to safeguard your shoulders - Shoulder (P)rehab with Elastic Bands
Wrist Strength with Band 1
Weighted long lunge
30-Day Coordination Challenge
The Stance (Mariana)

Short articles (up to 5 min)

Wrist Strength with Band 1
Weighted long lunge
Follow Alongs
The Stance (Mariana)
"A complete training" - A short full body floor sequence
Moving environment
Contralateral one-arm scap row position
What is MSS?
Working on skills
Build Strength
Middle Level Leg Work Stop Motion Style
Complex Conditioning
Typewriter Push-ups
Archer Push-ups
Straddle to Frontstar
Sequence 4 Rolê Back star prayer
Exuberant Throwing
The Ground
Balance Challenge
Bridge Push-ups
Game variations
Annika - Flip Flop Dance
Basic Rolling from Plough Position
Bridging and Changing
Archer Pull-up & Eccentric Archer Pull-up
Rotation into Bridge
Movement Jam
Up & Down
Quick Warm-up
Traverse + Muscle-Up
Silky Hand Climb
Horizontal & Vertical Climbing Combined

Medium length articles (5-15min)

30-Day Coordination Challenge
One class in September
Adding resistance to SROMP
Walking - The Base of the Physical Practice
Why you are still injured
Entspannung - Einführung und eine Übung
The Warm-up
1 Hour 1 Route
A few Thoughts for Beginners in regard of Jumping

Long articles(>15min)

Open and Relax your Shoulder and get Coordinated - Arm Swing Routine 1
Winter clothes for training outdoors
An individualized way to safeguard your shoulders - Shoulder (P)rehab with Elastic Bands
Favorite back exercise
SROMP Introduction
Basic Workout 1
Basic Workout 2
Basic Workout 3