Female students doing chin-ups

Most women that start to practice with us have never done a chin-up in their life. They often need to do some serious work to reach their first chin-up. Through the years we got better and better at helping everyone reach their first chin-up and beyond. Some people reach the chin-up with basic programming, others need quite sophisticated planning from our side.

The students shown in this video have participated in the Berlin group training, online coaching, or trainer certification.

Chin-ups performed by:

Mareike Thies - https://www.mareikethies.de/
Paulina Lemper - https://www.instagram.com/paulina.layena/
Marina Hilgert - http://marianahilgert.com
Freja Knudsen - https://www.yogaatlobeblock.de/freja-knudsen/
Marie-Sophie Sonnleithner - http://www.purzelbaumphilosophie.de
Kathrin Schmitt - https://mit-eigener-kraft.de/ueber-mich/
Annika Dörr - https://www.instagram.com/annikasophiadorr/


Joseph Bartz