
Ephraim is a strong little man. I don't know if it's random, or if the way we are raising him has an impact on his development in this matter. I also don't want to say that it is important that children develop quickly or have to tick of certain skills in certain time frames. As most people I've met can talk and walk, I assume all ways somewhat work. But I have the feeling that the fact that we try to raise Ephraim in a "natural" way helps his motoric development. Ephraim has not seen a stroller from the inside in his first 8 months he is on planet earth now. We are carrying him everywhere. It's not always easy and my and Annika's body had to adjust to the weight of this little man, who has grown very fast and is quite a heavy guy. But we both think it is really worth it and we enjoy it very much to have him so close. The assumption is that carrying a child, instead of putting it away in a stroller provides the child with the close contact to its parents that it needs in the first months and helps the development of the structure for crawling and walking. If this is really true... who knows, as prescriptions for how to raise children seem to radically change every ten years. But it seems to work for Ephraim.
 Photo by @kiellgram


Joseph Bartz