Physical and Cognitive Practices Workshop Day 1

8th of February 2019

Physical & Cognitive Practices Day 1
The Physical & Cognitive Practices Intensives go straight into our practice. Each of these Intensives is different, depending on attendees, location, time of the year and what is on my mind. Open for everyone, but an open mind is needed because if you come with certain expectations, it will be a significant hindrance for you.

Arm-Swings - Mechanics and Coordinations, starting simple and bringing it into free movement, connecting feet to hands.

Handstands - Preparation, Opening, Alignment, solving the first part of the „rebalancing riddle”. Creating - Creating a wooden hammer as a tool for later more delicate work.

Floor - Learning sequences that I invent on the spot and forget directly after, to show that it is not about sequences but to use it as a tool for learning new possibilities and picking things up.

Shoulder-Health - Partner-Shoulder Work. 360° of shoulder strength.

Joseph Bartz