Doing the basic work

Building a foundation is one of the things we do in our group training sessions. This seems to be so obvious for a class. What I observe though is the opposite: it is not so easy to actually find classes where you can learn the foundations of a practice.⁠ ⁠

It is challenging to teach basics. The underlying principles, the tiny puzzles that together create complexity. Especially if you are working on a professional level for many years. ⁠ ⁠

It might be very easy for you to create and execute complex patterns --- this can refer to a floor sequence on the floor, choreographic work, or acrobatic stuff (but it also can apply to teaching a language or anatomy, for instance). ⁠ ⁠

However, if you are working as a teacher and willing to sell classes for "all levels", your learning field is probably to study how you can make all this knowledge truly accessible to people who have never done anything similar in their lives. ⁠

Photo by Andy Day ⁠

If you are a teacher, you are there not to impress people but to accompany them in their learning process. ⁠ ⁠

To do this properly, you have to focus on the foundations. This will most likely give your students essential tools for a sustainable practice. I name 5 examples of why this makes sense: ⁠
a) it creates a stable base upon which your students can work with you for a longer time.⁠
b) your students will be in the long run less prone to injury ⁠
c) they learn to correct themselves and can work more autonomously. ⁠
d) through understanding the principles they can also create themselves
e) reflecting on the principles can be very refreshing for the brain and can be good humus for your creativity, especially if you have been in the game for a long time ⁠ ⁠

Take things apart. ⁠
Make principles visible. ⁠
Look for the connecting paths. ⁠
Do the basic work.


Mariana Hilgert