Coordination 17/30 - Fifth Principle

Difficulty: 1

Alright we add another principle to yesterday. So this day is less about a challenge, then about the principle. The combination that I show in the video is arbitrary! Learn it and forget it again after, no reason to remember it. Just make up new combinations as you look.

So one principle for today is resisting principle 3 from day 12: Count the Steps.

But the new thing is this:


A) Know the 5 Plain Jumps and use them to decipher jump patterns.

B) The 5 Plain Jumps are without Coordinates. It’s about the relation of jumping to landing.

C) These are the 5 Plain jumps:
C1) from 2 feet to 2 feet
C2) from 2 feet to 1 foot
C3) from 1 foot to the SAME foot
C4) from 1 foot to the OTHER foot
C5) from 1 foot the 2 feet

D) If you understood this, for the pattern above you can use a more simple way of deciphering: Just say “left”, “right” or “double” in your head, while figuring it out.

music courtesy of Creator Studio⁠
Nick Gallant - Election Day ⁠

Coordination 17/30 Auxiliary

⁠This is today’s Auxiliary Video for the Coordination Challenge, where we show regressions, progressions and variations.⁠ ⁠ Here I show a short and a longer pattern that is based on the principle of today. These are not equivalent to the main pattern. They are completely different (as different as they can be within the constraints of this day)

⁠music courtesy of Creator Studio⁠
Nick Gallant - Election Day


Joseph Bartz