Coordination 13/30 - 2 Types of Practicing

Difficulty: 2⁠ ⁠ Today we enter slightly different terrain as all patterns before have been with feet moving. So this is the first where the focus is clearly on the arms.

This pattern has been taught to me by my friends Raphael Scullion and Kerem Shemi from Wudang Martial Arts. The German speakers here might know Raphael from my 5h long Meditation talk with him.

Since I will only show regressions in today auxiliary video, here is a progression:

Start to move the feet. Find a way to let the energy travel from the arms into the legs and vice versa and start making steps that feel like they are naturally connected to the pattern.

There are two types of practicing that I want to encourage.
A) Learn a pattern that is shown by someone else. Practice your ability to adapts, to take in from outside, to receive new and make it yours.
B) Play and be creative and let things come out of you. Invent your own patterns, variations, regressions and progressions. This is about agency. Dive into the adventure.

music courtesy of Creator Studio⁠
Makana - Dancing in the Rain⁠

Coordination 13/30 Auxiliary

⁠This is today’s Auxiliary Video for the Coordination Challenge, where we show regressions, progressions and variations.⁠

music courtesy of Creator Studio⁠
Makana - Dancing in the Rain⁠


Joseph Bartz